Mobile Solutions
Looking for IPhone, Android and Windows Phone Apps publishing services?
It is now a very poorly kept secret that the future of software and web applications is now with mobile devices. In a bid to keep up with the times, more and more individuals are beginning to move away from the customary phones and embracing the smart phones. It is now fairly common to see people clutching android based devices, IPhones, Blackberry devices and windows phones. Even those who might not have owned a laptop computer in the past now use these devices as it affords them the comfort of accessing their favorite websites and applications while away from family desktop computer!
The mobile application revolution has made the bigger companies around to go into the releasing mobile versions of their products. From Adobe to SAP, Facebook to Twitter they all have mobile clients. Why don’t you get into the mobile evolution and get into this lucrative market?
You may be thinking that you already have a healthy user base and thus you do not need any further promotion but has it ever occurred to you that your users might actually be spending more time on their mobiles than on their computers or tablets? What if your user interface is not optimized for mobile? Have also considered what will happen if any of your competitors roll out a mobile app? If you take your time to consider these options, you will be convinced that you really need a mobile application.
When you decide to finally get your mobile app in place, it is only reasonable that you allow professionals to do it for you. No other company will do it better as we are vast in this field.
You may be wondering if you need to hire us to design your apps for you since you already have a team of software/web developers. Now, is your team knowledgeable in iPhone SDK to design applications for the iOS? Do they have the knowledge of designing apps based on the Androids SDK? If they can do both then you may not really need us. Even at that, there is no guarantee that the end result will be as good as what we can come up with! On the other hand, if your business does not have any apps designing branch, then you will need to hire an apps development firm that has knowledge in designing applications for the top two mobile operating systems.
We offer the best in IPhone and Android Apps publishing services. Our portfolio covers all Android- based devices, iPhone, iPads (all versions) and the iPod touch.
We equally redesign existing applications that you may have built for another platform. If you already have an application for the iPhone and want to make it available for the iPad, we can do that for you. With our applications publishing service, there is no need to worry as we know all the details regarding the developmental guidelines of the platforms. We equally help our clients to publish applications in the App store or and the Android market place, making sure that we provide support for upgrades and new versions.
One good thing about our company is that we can help you with not just apps but also website design and development. So, you can hand over these aspects of your business today!
Why go for mobile application development services
There is no arguing that the mobile industry has flourished during the last decade and that it has become one of the most important fields in the IT / technological environment. Devices are getting smarter and faster and in terms of computing power, they are slowly starting to resemble desktop computers. Also, with the addition of 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi technologies, the possibilities offered are endless.
Not so long ago, running an advanced application on your mobile phone seemed like a dream but now it is more like a dream come true. Everywhere you look, people are using mobile phones to play complex games, watch movies, and even run demanding programs for personal use or for work related use. As such, mobile apps have become almost as important as normal applications that can only be run on a computer.
While desktops are more powerful, people don’t have access to them all the time, as it is the case with mobile phones. This almost puts the smaller devices at an advantage when it comes to usefulness. As such, we offer state-of-the-art mobile app development services for any company or person wanting to take advantage of this new way of computing and advertising.